Modern OTT monitoring and analytics tools for next generation OTT distribution platforms

TxRx Data (X) is focused on building next generation HLS and DASH monitoring tools. The X scalable cloud native (docker/vm) based solution enables monitoring and analytics for OTT distribution platforms

Blue Eye - platform

The X Blue-Eye platform is based on and built with modern docker based software probes (Sondas) deploy-able in-scale providing deep analysis data of your OTT distribution services.

Sonda - OTT probe

Deployed on Docker, VM or metal, the X Sonda is a software based OTT probe built with modern media analysis methods enabling operators to deeply analyze OTT distribution.

Assistir - server

Developed and deployed on a modern server framework in the cloud, hybrid-cloud or on premise. The Assistir server and Sonda probes are compatible with AWS CloudWatch.

How it Works

Sonda software probes operate in Docker, VM and on metal in the cloud, hybryd-cloud or on premise. Sonda probes automatically discover, register and constantly communicate with Assitir servers. Sonda’s receive URLs and send back a deep analysis of the full ABR stack every five seconds. Assistir servers leverage a modern web platform with a scalable database. A comprehensive ABR stack analysis includes stream monitoring for each level, HLS Manifest, including AWS manifest update time and DASH MPD authentication, video thumbnails, audio presence and level, multi-language support, sub-title, caption and SCTE 35 analysis and logging. Contact us to learn more about our next generation HLS and DASH monitoring tools.

Blue-Eye Flow@2x

Demo Dashboard built in REACT using Sonda data

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