Blue-Eye Platform

TxRX Data offers its client software probe for use in cloud instances in Docker or VMs. The client software probe resides anywhere in the cloud and across CDNs. In addition to client software, a hyper low power appliance probe is available for deployment on premise at the distant edge. The software and appliance probes provide automated discovery with management and monitoring via the cloud host. The combination of cloud host, software and hyper low power probes delivers a comprehensive stream monitoring and data mining solution supporting manifest/MPD authentication, DRM support, video thumbnails, audio presence and level, languages, caption data extraction, DAI and more.

Blue-Eye consists three components.

Assistir – Cloud service that enables probe playlist,

Sonda – Two options.

1- Software client probe running in Docker, VM or on metal.

2- Hyper low power COTS Hardware media appliance

Each Sonda, software only or hardware self discover and register with Assistir. Assistir dispatches playlists and receives as run logs including Manifest Validation, Video Samples, Audio metrics, caption data, Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) data to Assistir for storage.

Assistir collects as run information from Sonda instances and provides API interfaces to easily build third party or X built dashboards.